Dear Facebook followers,
Being a preservationist has been the love of my life. Finding a strong reason why to preserve the Batcher Block Opera House was easy and a story for another day. Today the dream continues. The City of Staples, the Staples community and their collective history, sitting at tables as teammates, working towards a future with a respect for the past is why we moved the preservation of our BBOH this far. Passionate people from all over our State have contributed to our vision with talent and wisdom. To all of you, thank you. You are needed and wanted.
Preservation is not just a building or one person’s reason. It is when a community wants a light to shine brighter. It is when a whole region of teammates contributes to the vision and adds their place in it when preservation really starts to happen! We invite all of you to share this preservation movement. The Batcher Block Opera House and our historic Stage along with our vibrant community and region will welcome you on the team - the preservation team!
Thank you for sharing with your friends these exciting days. Message us here if you want to bring your light onboard this preservation moment!
Colleen Liz Frost - Preservationist and co-owner of the Batcher Block Opera House.