"Where Dreams Really Do Come True."
July 28th, 2003, My Twin Brother, Chris Frost and I purchased an extreme home that he found us here in your community. Being placed on the National Register of Historic Places was the highlight of our journey. Shining light on your treasure has been my passion.
It is with gratitude that I now sit at a table with mentors and leaders who can help us to the next level. Thanks to all of you, STAPLES IS NOW READY.
I would not be here without my team. Some who are sitting here with us. It was with their help in sorting out my files, folders, mind, heart and soul that drafted, rendered, emailed, prayed and financed this project to bring us to this moment…….To each of them thank you.
To all of you, Today, I am listening, I am learning, and I am on your team.
Colleen Liz Frost