Batcher Block Opera House

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Visionary - Colleen Frost, Owner

Welcome to a dream that has been a long time in the making. This project is all happening because of the patience and perseverance that Staples has had in positioning their community for growth and the time is now!

Colleen Frost, Owner

I am so proud to have learned from some of the best in my journey. Staples has taught me so much. It is my hope that in introducing this vision for your Historic Opera House that you will want to be a part of this exciting time. Please contact me and share your talent, time, donate or invest in a return that will last Staples for generations to come.

I’ve had one personal mission statement since beginning my journey in Staples, “To Spend My Life Working On Something That Will Outlast My Life.” - William James. I think if you spend time with these pages you will fall in love with your Historic Batcher Block Opera House the way we did when we opened the doors and turned on the lights 15 years ago. Over 60 shows we had and now it is time to Turn on the lights in a big way and share this National Register Of Historic Places with the World.

Welcome aboard and follow your dreams!

Colleen Liz Frost